Beginner Clinics​
For beginners, our local camps and clinics are more than adequate to help players continue to develop his or her fundamental skills. As players develop, we recommend looking at a few of the better teaching camps in Orange County, LA and San Diego.
Our instructional clinics are specifically designed for the beginning player, open to boys and girls Grades K-8, who are new to the game. We typically meet one day a week for a one-hour practice & skill teaching session.
Our primary commitment is teaching lacrosse while providing a great experience and instilling a love for the game. We maintain a positive environment at all times, and our highly qualified instructors help each participant have a great time building friendships, lacrosse skills, and a passion for the game. We hope to help our youngsters build self-confidence and athletic skills while having a blast in our programs.
Our coaches are eager to share their knowledge with the next generation of lacrosse enthusiasts. Our Clinics offer a balanced, fun-filled experience for those trying to learn the game.